Villa Fat Mariani

Note: The villa is not open to the interior.


Muzio had belonged to Count Barbolani Montauto, governor of Pisa, the villa at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, most likely at the wedding-Barbolani Appian of Aragon, underwent major conversion work, which changed from the country manor planting of delights.
But the restructuring is certainly more obvious than to report on the redevelopment of the facade reduced to a vast backdrop of the close of the eighteenth century landscape designed by architect Ignazio Pellegrini, Verona, among the most active in the territory of Pisa.
In particular he was responsible for the accentuation of the central elements in a system of pilasters and crowned with spirals, which refines the longitudinal development of the building, marked by ribs and mirrors highlighted by a clever color contrast.
Worthy of note, in the garden are the remains of the cave that evokes ancient spa types, evidence of the complexity and sophistication of the design sought Mannerist architects. The cave of Crespignano is an emblematic example of how contemporary experiences of the Florentine Mannerist gardens of Boboli Medici, Castello and Pratolino, are also widespread in the area of ​​Pisa.
During the nineteenth century the park was opened to the campaign, acquiring the characteristics of the romantic garden.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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