Borgo Petraia and Torre Aquisana
Via Aquisana
Casciana Spa

Note: you can see the tower from the courtyard where is located.

An important role in the history of Casciana Spa in medieval times was carried from the monastery of Santa Maria di Camaldolese Morrona, now called the Abbey of Morrona.
Significant acts of the Archbishop of Pisa and the Bishop of Volterra, mentioned in the Annals Camaldolesi since 1089 and relating to donations or sales of property located near or within Casciana in favor of the Abbey, clearly indicate that it was Casciana Spa site of a castle and a short, probably located at the highest point of the town said Petraia (Aquisana curte).
Despite the location of a Castle in Pietraia is not the best strategic choice, whereas the morphology of the place does not offer many natural defenses, it is known that the Aquisana curte was equipped with towers and fortified walls. Today the tower is still visible Aquisana also known as the Countess Matilda.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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