Documented since Etruscan times, the olive is one of the pillars of the material culture of Pisa. The climate is characterized by particular temperature differences between day and night and mild due to the proximity of the sea, and land and rocky limestone are ideal conditions for optimal ripening of the olives.

A commitment to quality that starts from a distance, so much so that in the Pisan hills are specialized forms of olive cultivation, during the first half of the fifteenth century.
The area of ​​the Monti Pisani (old, San Giuliano Terme, Kicks, Buti and Vicopisano), Val d’Era (Lari, Casciana Spa, Lajatico Peccioli), the area of ​​Volterra and the Cecina Valley are traditionally the best areas the province.
Since the Middle Ages, Pisa prevails in olive oil quality called "mill". This cultivar, their quality and high productivity, gives the oil that is obtained a distinctive fruity taste. Yellow with green tones, light and fruity scent of fruity flavor with a slight spicy and intense perception of sensation of sweet, the oil produced in the province of Pisa is recognized with additional geographical "Monti Pisani" Toscano IGP extra virgin olive oil. All stages of production are regulated by strict criteria. The olives are hand picked from the tree and pressed within 48 hours of collection, and for oil extraction are allowed only physical processes and mechanisms to preserve as much as possible the characteristics of the fruit.
The result is an oil not only delicious but also versatile, thanks to his strong personality and its fullness of flavors can marry regardless of different foods and preparations both raw and cooked, even if it is worth to taste it raw, directly or on bruschetta , as they say in these parts, the "fettunta".

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

Centri termali Pisa

Terme di San Giuliano

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Uliveto Terme

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Casciana Terme

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