At San Miniato, the heart of one of the most suitable areas Italian truffle, focuses quarter of national production of the precious tuber magnatum pico.

Among the many treasures of Pisa land a place of honor goes to the famous white truffles of San Miniato. Around these parts, the nose has a tradition that has its roots in the Middle Ages and therefore is not only an important economic activity but is also a basic element of material culture.
The "golden triangle" of the prized Tuber pico is located in a vast area between the provinces of Pisa and Florence, in the valleys Egola, Elsa and Era, all tributaries of the Arno.
In this area, truffle, which is among the largest and most fruitful of Europe, the precious "white" is almost always develops in a smooth and rounded, which makes it particularly popular.
San Miniato is also home to a record: in 1954 there was found the tuber largest ever found in living memory, a "champion" of the weight of no less than 2520 grams, which was donated to the U.S. President Henry Truman.
For 25 years, was founded in San Miniato San Miniato Hills Tartufai Association, which groups about 500 searchers whose activity is regulated by a strict set of rules and a regional law that defines the procedures for collecting and marketing in order to safeguard the delicate ecosystem of the truffle.
Annually, over 30 municipalities in the area give about 600 pounds of truffles, 25% of national production, most of which ends up on the tables of the best restaurants in the world.
The collection period is short of Tuber pico, from late September to late December. From January to April in the pine forests of the area is also Marzuolo Truffle (Tuber borchii).
Every year in November, in San Miniato holds the National White Truffle Market Fair that transforms the city into a vast laboratory of taste in the open.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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