TEL 0586-650038 – FAX 0586-650236
ADDRESS Via della Madonna, 15-56040



(A) SS206 Emilia towards Cecina, then follow signs to Montescudaio;
(B) Highway A12 exit Rosignano, continue on the Aurelia up to Cecina, then follow signs to Montescudaio.


Pisa-Grosseto and get off at Cecina, then bus ATL.


Ancient Benedictine monastic seat and capital of the diocese of Volterra, Castle of the Counts of Gherardesca, founded at the end of XII century in place of an existing church of Santa Maria, Montescudaio enjoys a view from where you can see the plain of the valley of Cecina, all the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago to the mountains of Corsica.

The ancient name derives from the Latin Mons Scutarum which means mountain of shields, Montescudaio was in fact a fortified town of great strategic importance, given the dominance of the area.

From the vineyards of the surrounding hills to produce the Montescudaio red wine.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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