TEL 0587-622112 – FAX 0587-622539
ADDRESS Piazza della Repubblica, 59-56036



Pisa-Florence, exit at Montopoli Val d’Arno, then continue on the road in the direction Palaia.


CPT-town up in Pontedera, CPT, and even suburban, destination or Montefoscoli Palaia.


Pisa-Florence, get off at Pontedera, then CPT-town, direction or Montefoscoli Palaia.


Palaia is an agricultural town situated on one of the highest ridges that divide the valley of the Arno from the Era.

The Emperor Henry VI, Otto IV and Charles IV agreed with the privileges of 1191, 1209 and 1355, the bishops of Lucca half of the castle and court of Palaia and confirmed the political and civil jurisdiction Pisani.

The Florentine government extended its power in 1406.

The parish of St. Martin, shut out of the village, is a Romanesque-Gothic building of the thirteenth century, in brick, with decorative arches and exterior façade with three portals, the interior has three aisles divided by tall pillars of various shapes with interesting capitals.

The gateway has a medieval village, set on it is the bell tower and spire, flanked by a low polygonal tower.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

Centri termali Pisa

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