TEL 0587 67261 FAX 0587 636177
ADDRESS Piazza del Popolo, 1-56037


AUTO: Pisa-Florence highway, exit at Pontedera-Ponsacco, follow the SS439 towards Volterra, then detour to the village after Peccioli Selvatelle.

BUS: CPT-town, destination Pontedera, and even extra-CPT, destination, or Legoli Montelopio.

TRAIN: Pisa-Florence to Pontedera, then CPT (see above).


Era of the Centre, on a hill which overlooks the mouth of the river plain, the oldest part has gathered around the ruins of a fortress, while on the slopes below it develops the latest.

He entered the final possession of Florence in 1509.

The Parish of St. Verano is a building stone and brick of the twelfth-thirteenth century, rebuilt and raised in the nineteenth century: the stone facade, much deteriorated, is the Romanesque-Pisan, with mullioned and arches.

Belong to the Middle Ages the Praetorian Palace, numerous houses and the ruins of the fortress.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

Centri termali Pisa

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