TOWN TEL 050 685771 FAX 050 -685797
ADDRESS Memorial Square, 13 / a – 56040


AUTO: SS206 Emilia towards Cecina, then take the detour to Orciano Pisano, then drive to Santa Luce.

BUS: CPT Lari suburban destination, and then get off at bus Collesalvetti ATL Holy Light.


Holy Light maintains the shape of a fortified village, with the central castle or fortress, and its name comes from the nearby ancient parish church.

Feudal castle Cadolingi Fucecchio, like the other towns of the Pisan hills was under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Pisa.

The parish of Holy Light, also called the church of Sant’Angelo or Holy Light of the Hills until the late eighteenth century, was only two aisles, octagonal font.

Di Pisaonline

Pisa-online.info è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by www.pisaonline.it in rete dal 1996.

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