Church of San Michele degli Scalzi

Via San Michele degli Scalzi – Pisa

The church is located on Avenue of Piagge. The name derives from the Benedictine monks, barefoot, Pulsanesi called by the name of their original home on Mount Pulsano in Apulia, who founded in the eleventh century with the adjoining convent.

The church belonged to the Benedictine Olivetan followed until 1784. The facade reflects the architecture and geometric patterns of the Pisan churches, stone and brick at the bottom at the top. The three portals correspond to the three-nave interior. Behind the church stands a sturdy Romanesque-Lombard bell-tower, 23 meters high, decorated ceramic bowls and inclined towards the Arno because of land subsidence.

Despite being heavily damaged by bombing and by a flood, was restored in 1970.
The nave with small windows and narrow aisles and give it remains a stark appearance. Behind the altar is placed a wooden crucifix of the thirteenth century painting attributed to the school by Giunta Pisano.

The square is celebrated the first Sunday after May 15, the traditional feast of St. Ubaldo.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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