TEL 050-719111 FAX 050-703800
ADDRESS: Corso Matteotti, 90 – cap 56021


CAR: Highway Pisa – Florence, exit at Cascina.

BUS: CPT-town, destination Pontedera (via Navacchio).

TRAIN: Pisa – Florence, stop at Cascina.


Farm, an ancient walled town placed a short distance from the Arno, at the foot of the southern slopes of Mount Pisano, is crossed by a main street lined with arcades, which divides the core of the town into two unequal parts.

The urban layout is typical of the Roman Castrum rectangular intersected by perpendicular streets and keeps part of the medieval walls.

The oldest of the country dates back to the mid-eighth century, when the bishops of Pisa had a court here.

Lucca and Florence, then the first, fought in Pisa on his estate.

In the central square are the main buildings in the city, the Romanesque church, a basilica with three naves divided by columns, with a fourteenth-century frescoes and paintings of the Pisan school of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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