TEL 050-650521 FAX 050-657330
ADDRESS Piazza Trento e Trieste, 4-56043



SS206 towards Collesalvetti Emilia, then detour to Fauglia-Crespina.


CPT-town, destination, or Orciano Lari.

The Latin Castrum Favullia, the Lombard Faulae finally Fauglia is a land of great agricultural interest since ancient times, sources cited by the twelfth-century church of S. Lorenzo, with the castle came under the influence of Florence in the early fifteenth century.

He is currently an agricultural center with companies specializing in the production of grapes and wines such as White St. Torpé; the craft has grown in the timber industry and the apparel and clothing.

Famous for its forests, it is equally important for its beautiful villas including find, home of Marta Abba and a center of Pirandello studies. Other beautiful villas are Villa Negri and Villa Arnia.

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