Marconi Museum and Research Centre (to build)

Former radio station

Each year, through the initiative of amateur Pisa, the former radio station is part of the great circuit that lights up all over the world for "Marconi Day" and touches on all the places where the great scientist has made ​​transmission facilities.

The great scientist’s daughter, Elettra Marconi, attended the event organized for the presentation of the proposed restructuring of the old Marconi station in Coltano, thanks to the creation of a fine museum and a citadel of telecommunications research in the field.

The station was built in 1909 with the creation of 16 iron towers 75 meters high. Hence the great physicist Guglielmo Marconi transmitted the first telegraphic message to Eritrea. The news shocked the world and Marconi, 24 November 1911 Coltano always, he spoke for the first time in New York with the message "Best wishes from Italy to America with the wireless telegraph."

Unfortunately, the gigantic towers were blown up by the Nazis and the great building was turned into ruins. Alongside this project is the restructuring of the Rai Centre located a few meters from the famous Marconi building. The project goal is to turn the radio signal from Colt and make it a center of study in applied research in telecommunications.

The sponsor may be the Marconi Communications already active in Pisa and the Scuola S. Anna and CNR.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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