TEL 0587 783111 – Fax 0587 733871
ADDRESS Valleys Square, 8-56038


AUTO: Pisa-Florence highway, exit at Pontedera-Ponsacco, continue on the road for Ponsacco.

BUS: CPT-town, destination Pontedera, then CPT-town destination Volterra Usigliano, Houses, Vicarello, Casanova, Montelopio.

TRAIN: Pisa-Florence, get off at Pontedera, then CPT-town as above.


Center of Lower Valdarno, on the banks of the rivers in the House point near the confluence of the Age, has industrial vocation is underlined by numerous furniture factories, and the sample from the permanent exhibition of furniture, that takes place annually in October and early November.

Ponsacco, originally walled center with a rectangular plan, retains some medieval towers and the oratory of Our Lady of the Cough.

The Parish of St. John the Evangelist is a neoclassical building (1823-1836) by Alessandro Gherardesca.

Camugliano The villa, built in 1533 by Alessandro and Cosimo de ‘Medici, is a large building consists of a main building with four corner towers, and decorated again in the early Baroque period.

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