Pontedera – TOWN OF PISA

TEL 0587-299111 – FAX 0587-53292
ADDRESS Corso Matteotti, 37-56025


AUTO: Pisa-Florence highway, exit at Pontedera.

BUS: CPT-town, destination Pontedera.

TRAIN: Pisa-Florence, Pontedera station.

Important industrial and commercial center, the headquarters of Piaggio, Pisa is located in the plane near the confluence with the Arno Age, is remembered from the first half of the thirteenth century as a frontier castle quadrilateral.

Belonged to the republic of Pisa, was the object of contention between Pisa, Florence and Lucca until 1293, when Pisa was under.

Florence extended its power after the Battle of Cascina in 1364.

She gave birth to the sculptor and goldsmith Andrea Pisano, called Andrea da Pontedera.

The church of SS. James and Philip keeps a wooden statue of the Pisan school depicting "Saint Lucia" and sixteenth-century paintings, including a "Madonna" by Cigoli.

Elements of the late Renaissance are also visible in the Praetorian Palace, with arcades, the clock tower and several coats of arms.

Di Pisaonline

Pisa-online.info è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by www.pisaonline.it in rete dal 1996.

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