Santa Croce sull'Arno - Panorama
Santa Croce
Major manufacturing center of the leather, its economy based on processing of hides and skins since the eighteenth century, when the first tanneries in the area arose.
Today the transformation of the skin, still based on creativity and quality, is achieved through technologically advanced equipment and procedures that have improved the work environment and created specialized professionals.

The tanning business is the transformation of raw skin to obtain a finished leather and ready to be used in the clothing, footwear and leather goods. The name and prestige of the Holy Cross in the world are such as having earned the title of Capital of the World of Leather and Leather. In recent years the district were born in company stores that offer items at reasonable prices.

The town has a good cultural activity: Pacchiani at Villa houses the Center for Expressive Activities, exhibition of contemporary art museum and center for documentation and scientific laboratories with engraved graphics, music, theater and photography. The Green Theater presents a program aimed at young people (see the review of the Baule Dreams II) as well as a rich program of prose. Did you know that Holy Cross will then play a Carnival of the author of the most heard of Tuscany, with costumes that are true works of art.

Nearby, the hilly area of Cerbaie, is the ‘Protected Area of Poggio Adorno, perfect for pleasant strolls.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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