

Village of Etruscan origin, as documented by the recent discovery of a necropolis in the fractions of Morrona and Soiana, Terricciola in the Middle Ages had a system of defensive towers, hence the name, derived from the Latin Turris. Of contention between Pisa and Florence remains the symbol of remembrance in town, where there are half and half Florentine lily cross Pisa.

Although rural village in the territory has Terricciola places of artistic interest, such as the Shrine of Our Lady of Monterosso, the work of fifteenth Masolino from Panipat, Villa Gherardi Del Testa and the Abbey camaldonite Morrona, now inside a large estate.

Terricciola is City of Wine. The soil, rich in sand and fossil deposits, has always fostered an ideal microclimate for growing grapes. Not surprisingly, since the sixties, every second and third weekend of September is held in the streets of the village the traditional Festival of Grapes and Wine. Other events related to wine are Goblets of Stars (Aug. 10, the night of San Lorenzo) and Open Cellars (last Sunday in May).

The grape varieties typical of the area are: Sangiovese, Trebbiano, Malvasia, Merlot and Ciliegiolo. The union of wine and contemporary art is also born artists for the project lands, with a path that is open all year round permanent exhibits works by artists in the vineyards and wineries of the area.

Di Pisaonline

Pisa-online.info è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by www.pisaonline.it in rete dal 1996.

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