Old Town Hall in PISA

TOWN TEL 050-859611 FAX 050-868778
ADDRESS Piazza Umberto I, 182-56019


AUTO: (a) SS12 towards Lucca, San Giuliano Terme deviation, then follow the signs for Vecchiano (b) SS1 Aurelia towards Viareggio, deviation in the locality for Vecchiano Migliarino.

BUS: CPT extarurbano Vecchiano or Filettole destination.

Located on the right bank of the Serchio, at the foot of the extreme southern foothills of the Apuan Alps, has been inhabited since Vecchiano primitive.

We have written the first news of Vecchiano around the mid-eighth century and is known before the year one thousand, as the site of two churches plebeian:
San Frediano and St. Michael’s Bridge to Serchio.

At that time more than a cluster surrounded by walls with a face and then it was known as the Urban Forest Palatine of imperial prerogative, and that was, from the mountain to the coast Pisa, a vast hunting ground.

Di Pisaonline

Pisa-online.info è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by www.pisaonline.it in rete dal 1996.

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