TOWN TEL 050-796511 – Fax 050-796540
ADDRESS Via Praetorian, 1-56010


AUTO: Pisa-Florence highway, exit at Cascina, take the road in the direction Vicopisano.

BUS: CPT-town, destination or Pontedera Buti, Lungomonte away.

TRAIN: Pisa-Florence, get off at Station House, then CPT extaurbano, Buti destination.

It is the ancient Auserissola Vico, possession by the tenth century the bishops of Lucca, repeatedly besieged by the city of Pisa and Lucca in fighting finally conquered by Florence in the late fifteenth century.

The medieval period are also various buildings such as the Praetorian Palace, and in the new country, the twelfth-century Romanesque church with three. The town contains the remains of castles and fortifications, among which stand out the keep, up keep and towers: the tower called by Brunelleschi, the fourteenth-century clock tower and called the Four doors, marked by gothic arches .

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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