Village of Gello Mattaccino
Gello Mattaccino-Casciana Spa

Getting there

Livorno direction: from the SGC FI-PI-LI follow the signs for Livorno and exit at work. Follow the signs to Casciana Terme and take the turn towards the Holy Light. After 1 km take the road to Gello Mattaccino.
The direction of Florence: the SGC FI-PI-LI exit at Pontedera / Ponsacco. Follow the signs to Casciana Terme and follow the direction of Santa Luce. After 1 km take the road to Gello Mattaccino.

The vast estate derives its name from Alexander Matthew Cini who bought it under Cosimo I between 1542 and 1550. Today the castle stands majestic in the woods and the green valley of the River End and is certainly one of the most beautiful residential fortresses in the district.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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